As data related to job search trends or job trends from various reputed sources is now available for 2018, we thought of compiling a report for you. We would cover few uncommon but important metrics such as the most trending jobs, how frequently people are switching jobs, how startup hiring played in 2018, how candidates searched for the job.
A. Startup Hiring in 2018
With startup culture booming in most parts of the world, it is also contributing significantly in job creation. According to a report by AngelList ( ) which is most commonly used platform by startup community for both job posting and job search, last year over 45,000 startup posted jobs on this platform. This is across the world.
In 2018, total number of people who joined AngelList reached to 8 million. Out of these 8M, close to 2M were actively searching for jobs. Strikingly, 100K users were joining the platform every month.
Among U.S. Candidates who were using AngelList shown interest in 6 industries. Meaning, their next job search would be in one of these 6 job industries. These industries are
- Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
- Data & Analytics
- Social good
- Consumer
- Healthcare
- Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
B. Job Search Trends
Let’s look at some numbers that shows how many were actively looking for jobs, who were actively looking for job search, etc.
Job Search Status
There are three kind of job search statuses viz. I am not looking for new job, I am looking for new job (active candidates) and the last ones are, I am not actively looking for job but i am open to new opportunities (passive candidates).
As per the survey by StackOverflow, only 15% of their subscribers mentioned that they were actively looking for job. 58% percent of the responded said they may not be actively looking for job, but they were open to new job opportunities. Again, passive candidates forms the largest group among job seekers. LinkedIn often stated that 90% of their subscribers are open to new job opportunities. Another interesting thing that was reported in a survey by StackOverflow was that more than 50% of their respondents would change jobs within 2 years.
Among all the people who were actively looking for new jobs, academic researchers topped the chart. Data scientist or machine learning experts, data or business analysts were next in the list. Senior executives, DevOps specialist were among people who were least actively looking for the job.
Job Search Volume
We tried to find out what kind of jobs generally people search for. What is the frequency of job search. We used google keyword search to find these numbers. Below are some of the most commonly searched jobs. The search volume is for last one year.
- Part time jobs – 1M searches
- Government jobs – 1M searches
- Work form home jobs – 1M searches
- Warehouse jobs – 100K searches
- Driving jobs – 100k searches
- Receptionist jobs – 100K searches
- Hospital Jobs – 100k searches
- Airline jobs – 100k searches
- Finance jobs – 100k searches
- Healthcare jobs – 100K searches
- Manufacturing jobs – 100k searches
- Sales jobs – 100k searches
The list goes on. These search volume numbers are for U.S. region alone. Similar to google search volume, job portals like Indeed or Monster experiences the similar search volume.

C. Tech Vs Non-Tech Jobs Hiring
According to a report by Glassdoor, in 2018, 43% of the jobs offered by tech companies were for non-technical roles. Non technical roles include project managers, sales executive, marketing managers, financial analysts, etc. This information can be seen in two ways –
- Most of the tech companies are product companies. Once their tech is stable, need for more tech resources ceases. They need to rely on non-tech workforce for the expansion of business
- Most of the existing non-tech companies are now using technology like never before. In fact, some food delivering companies are claiming to be tech companies that delivers food. Most of their existing man power is non-tech people.
D. Google For Job Search
Google has made its entry into job market. With google for job search Google is making it simpler and easier for candidates to search and apply for the jobs. It is now available in most parts of the world. As we shared (above) numbers around job search queries, it totally makes sense why google decided to enter into this segment.
Google for job search works like an aggregator that compiles the list of relevant jobs near candidate. In other words, it lists all active jobs using various integrations and data sourcing from various job portals or career pages of different companies.
Candidate when search for jobs on google search, it lists all relevant jobs near candidate. Candidate does not need to go to different career pages or job portals to find jobs. He or she can simply google for jobs they are looking for and google will show the list of relevant jobs.
Google’s entry (and now Facebook too) only confirms the increasing use of digital media by candidates for job search. This means companies will have to take their digital presence seriously and work on things like search engine optimization, SEO, SEM, etc.
We tried to cover some numbers from niche as well as common platforms. These numbers you may not find in usual job trend report. If one thing we can deduce from job search trend 2018 or from above numbers is that the way we used to hire talent is changing and it is changing rapidly every year. Also, the way candidates used to find jobs are changing constantly. Niche platforms like angelList growing rapidly is a testimony to the change . It suggests that candidates are driven by right engagements and experiences.
New elements like google for job search is making things simpler for candidates. However, it is pushing employers to do more in order to improve candidate engagement.
With so much data available about the candidates on different platform, companies are adapting to data driven hiring methods. Dice 2018 recruitment automation report reveals that companies are going for intelligent solutions. Companies are looking to leverage AI for recruiting. They are exploring AI recruiting software to optimize their hiring process.
With google pushing hard, Facebook also making its entry into recruitment space and niche AI recruiting tools offering many intelligent solutions, 2019 is going to be the year to watch.