Top 26 Key Reasons driving HR Transformation

Innovation with Digital Transformation has become an integral part of our everyday work. Any vertical (IT, BFSI, Manufacturing,etc) or horizontal(Mktg,IT,Finance or HR),there is always an inertia to use automation software which take away the repetitive daily work so whether it is MarTech or FinTech and more recently #HRTech.

The new advances in technology and data analytics need to be adopted to speed up decision making and building effective agile processes.We are seeing teams struggling with their work, because they are either unaware of the new tools available or are pre-occupied to adopt technologies.This causes further gaps in technology adoption.

Automation is slowly seeping into every aspect of corporate lives, the faster we adopt them, the quicker we master it. There are a variety of software products available in the market that makes your job (life) easy. Be it for HR or recruitment function or sales and marketing, technology has managed to seep into these functions and has made operations more transparent and easy to monitor.

“Stop working in isolation , the value of the knowledge based/skilled worker, the value of our understanding of what drives human productivity in a large or small workforce especially in HR is the key catalyst to a successful Organisation.”

HR automation software products are designed to automate your recurring activities with smart logic to meet the defined business and recruitment goals.

As the business grows, so does the need for HR domain to be constantly abreast new developments in IT, Sales,Operations,Finance been never so dynamic.There are new job roles coming up daily!

It is challenging to meet the needs with limited people and budget, but trust me it is not difficult; if you plan and choose the right tools(automation software) and resources – it works like magic. Here are top 26 reasons why you should go for HR automation and transformation

  1. Organisation is growing – The company is growing at a fast speed which is good news, right! Increase in revenues and no. of employees means business expansion and more job opportunities. It also means that you need to work more harder to meet the aggressive HR goals.
  2. TA targets are increasing – To meet the growing demand of targets, you need to work day in and day out, spend extra hours on planning , working on multi channels and executing all the plans for teams in synchronous manner.
  3. Struggling to do away repetitive operational tasks  – With the increase in TA, your HR teams may not be able to produce in the given time-frame high quality and good quantum of work. And each work you outsource is putting big holes in your TA  budget which could have been spent internal L&D training and all other employee retention campaigns.
  4. Spending more time on the same task at multiple levels – You become a machine doing these tasks. Taking a toll on the key HR personnel – affecting their quality time to be spent on employee engagement/knowing and predicting workforce needs wants and all the important business KRA’s.
  5. No time to think out of the box – You hardly get time to think of some creative solutions or ideas to improve systems using technology. No time = No output = NO results
  6. Lost track of your employee engagement  – If you already have a HCM tool, it will be lots of data about your workforce, the point is dumb data does not help you guide in your engagement while it takes analytics to do the understanding & insights, later predicting your micro and macro actions in retaining and acquiring new talents.
  7. The Present Dumb Pipeline of Data – It must be said in no unclear terms that use of analytics is the only way forward and there is huge difference between MIS and Actionable Intelligence based on Analytics. The present system leaves you with no effective learning/insights to refer or react quickly to the data (if there is quality data).  Thereby monitor & benchmark the effectiveness of your HR based on each and every KRA.

If this is your story to from #hrtransformation point of view, it has been simplified to be as thought provoking as it should be. There is a need to be a bird’s eye view at the key areas in HR processes to keep end in mind and detach from time consuming repetitive tasks.

Evaluate the products that aid in improving your existing processes rather than follow the herd mentality of using those available in the market which may not suit your need or budget.

CVViZ has made a compelling business case with many such organizations (Global Players and Indian Companies) who truly believe in digital transformation starts with people + processes and have presently made a more capable HR management team.

“We have the attitudes, skills, knowledge, and experience to create opportunities for ourselves and for our businesses to change the world around us.”—Unilever CHRO Leena Nair

End of Part 1 of the 4 part series on 26 issues hindering HR Transformation.

Picture of Amit Gawande

Amit Gawande

Amit Gawande is a Co-Founder of CVViZ, an AI recruiting software. He has more than 15 years of experience in software development and leading large teams. He has built products using NLP and machine learning. He has recruited engineers, programmers, marketing and sales people for his organizations. He believes in using technology for solving real-life problems.

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