How To Post Jobs On LinkedIn And Receive More Applications

You may love it or hate it but you cannot ignore it. That’s the strength of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a candidate-driven recruitment platform that probably is a recruitment market leader in most countries.

Two candidates join LinkedIn every second. 

As per LinkedIn statistics, as of the year 2020, it has more than 660 million users worldwide.

Paid and Free Job Posting sites
Click above to start posting jobs to multiple paid and free job posting sites in one go

In the USA, LinkedIn reported 3 million jobs posted every month. 20,000 companies participated in this job posting.

These numbers are enough proof to convince you that if you are hiring, you cannot ignore LinkedIn. 

If you want to hire, if you want to attract active and passive candidates, then you must post jobs on LinkedIn. You may choose to post jobs for free or promote jobs on LinkedIn but you must post or share jobs on LinkedIn.

Let’s get started and learn more about how to post jobs on LinkedIn and how to get more candidates’ applications.

How To Post A Job On LinkedIn

You can post a job on LinkedIn for free or you can opt for a paid LinkedIn job posting. Irrespective of what you choose, the first important thing you must do is create the company’s LinkedIn page.

You can post one job on LinkedIn for free.

If you want to post more than one job, then you will have to opt for paid options such as PPC (pay per click) or Job Slots.

If you want to make the most of the LinkedIn job posting, you should use various strategies such as job sharing, job wrapping, etc.

We will look into these various aspects of the LinkedIn job posting. So, first, let’s get started with how to post jobs on LinkedIn for free.

How to Post a Job on LinkedIn For Free

There are two ways you can post a job on LinkedIn. 

  1. You officially create a job listing on LinkedIn 
  2. You share a job link from your company career page or ATS (Applicant Tracking System) on LinkedIn

In the second option, you already have a job listing on your career page or in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and you just share that listing on LinkedIn.

How to post a job on LInkedIn

In the first option, you actually create a job listing on the LinkedIn platform. However, you can create only one official job listing on LinkedIn for free.

Below are the steps to post jobs on LinkedIn.

  • Click on the Job icon at the right top of your LinkedIn page
  • Click on Post a free job at the right top corner
  • Start with a job title. You can highlight if it’s a remote job.
  • Fill in the important fields such as job description. LinkedIn may suggest a job description. They have a job description template for various roles.
  • Specify the most important skills in a separate section.
  • Choose how would you like to receive job applications. You can choose to receive resumes over email or by proving an external job application link. (This is where you can specify a job link from your ATS)
  • Set important prescreening questions. This will help you to filter out unqualified candidates quickly.
  • Click on post job for free
  • You can promote this job on LinkedIn using a PPC campaign. You have to set a budget for that.

For more detailed steps please refer to LinkedIn free Job Listing.

The ONE free job post is also searchable on LinkedIn jobs. However, the visibility of this job post diminishes with the passing days as more and more jobs are added on LinkedIn. But when you choose to promote a job on LinkedIn with paid options, your job listing could remain on top.

If you choose a free job listing on LinkedIn, then you should use job-sharing strategies to improve the visibility of your job posting.

You must use these job-sharing strategies even when you sponsor jobs on LinkedIn.

How to Share a Job on LinkedIn

Once you post a job on LinkedIn, your next aim should be to share it with maximum candidates. And if you are using a free job listing then sharing job posts is even more important.

To share any information about the company the first thing you must do is, create a LinkedIn company page.

Create LinkedIn Company Page 

Setting up a LinkedIn company page is simple. 

You need to provide basic information about your organization such as when the company was incorporated, how many employees the company has, the website of the company, etc. The information is public in nature.

Creating a LinkedIn company page is also a great opportunity for employer branding.

This page is an important platform to share information with LinkedIn members. If you use this platform right you could get a good number of people following your company page.

You could build the right audience for your company using the LinkedIn page. This audience will also have people who could be interested to work in your organization.

Every time you share any information on this page, it is sent like a newsfeed to the people who follow your company page

It means you can post or share new job openings on this page, and it is for free!

You could use this strategy for job sharing and job posting especially when you want to post jobs for free.

So, let’s continue to explore different options for free job posting on LinkedIn.

Reach Maximum Candidates Using These 4 Job Sharing Strategies on LinkedIn

There are 4 simple ways in which you can share a job on LinkedIn for free.

  • Share a job post on LinkedIn Company Page
  • Share A Job in Relevant LinkedIn Groups 
  • Use Your Profile To Share A Job Post
  • Ask Your Employees To Share

Share a job post on LinkedIn Company Page

This is your company newsfeed. Everything you share on a LinkedIn company page is going to get shared with the audience that follows your company page.

Share a job on the LinkedIn company page and it will be shared with people that follow this page.

If any of these followers like the job post or comment on it, it will be shared with connections in their network. This has a cascading effect. Thus the job post would reach many candidates whether they follow your corporate page or not.

If you have used the Facebook jobs tab then you would find a lot of similarities between these two methods.

Share Jobs To LinkedIn Groups

We are aware of the strength of the community. LinkedIn groups are where people of similar interests come together. They share information, exchange ideas, debate, and discuss various topics.

There are LinkedIn groups for recruiters, developers, finance experts, and many more.

Start becoming a member of such groups.

Share job posts in such groups. But, don’t just focus on hiring. Contribute to the groups in whichever way you can. And other members will help you back. Remember, it is always about giving and taking.

Another important aspect of hiring is targeting passive candidates. Passive candidates are better hires. LinkedIn groups are better placed to target passive candidates.

Members from your group could also share job openings with their own network and hence help you to spread the word.

Share Job Post On Your LinkedIn Profile

The obvious way of sharing a job post is by posting it on your own LinkedIn profile.

Because you are sharing it on your own profile, you could also request your own connections to share it with their respective connections.

Ask Your Colleagues To Share A Job Post On LinkedIn

You must ask your colleagues or employees to share job posts on their LinkedIn network. Your colleagues will have a network of more relevant people. The very kind of people you want to reach.

If you combine this strategy with the employee referral strategy, it will give your employees the extra motivation to share job posts with their LinkedIn network.

3 Key Tips While Posting Jobs On LinkedIn For Free

When you want to post jobs on LinkedIn for free, the only mantra is to use all methods that will help you reach more people.

We have already discussed different methods of sharing jobs on LinkedIn. Now, let’s quickly go through handy tips that will make a job posting more effective.

1. Share Job Application Link Rather Than Asking Resumes Over Email

If you are using an Applicant Tracking System or any other recruiting software then you must share the job application link. It enhances the candidate experience.

It also gets easier for recruiters to manage job applications. 

Sharing a job link from the company career page is also a great opportunity for employer branding.

2. Write a job post but share the Job Application Link In Comments

It is observed that sharing direct job links in the comments sections reaches more people than sharing the job link in the post itself.

This is just a hack.

LinkedIn keeps changing its algorithm which could change the above behavior. Nevertheless, you could leverage it as long as it works.

3. Use Images or Bright Colors In The Post

Don’t just write text posts. Use bright images or background colors to highlight your post. Using images and bright colors will catch the attention of people and more people will take note of your post.

LinkedIn Job Advertising (Paid Job Posting)

LinkedIn job advertising makes sure that the job ad reaches a wider audience. A paid job ad on LinkedIn reaches 9 times more people than a free job ad.

In order to advertise a job on LinkedIn, you must first create a job posting.

This job post is then shown to candidates who are actively looking for jobs or are open to new opportunities.

The newsfeed may be titled “Jobs You Are Interested In”, “We Find Similar Jobs..” or “Because You Saw Job …”.

You can opt for a paid LinkedIn job posting using one of the below methods.

Job Slots

You can buy job slots from LinkedIn. For example, let’s say you buy 5 job slots. At any point in time, you can advertise 5 jobs on LinkedIn. If you have more than 5 active jobs, you can rotate these jobs among 5 slots.

The job advertisement on LinkedIn will remain active for 30 days.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Model

Pay per-click campaign means you are charged only when a candidate clicks on your job post. 

A job post is sent to a large number of candidates. The number of candidates it reaches is called impressions.

Not all candidates would click on the job opening. But whenever a candidate clicks on the job opening you are charged.

You can set an average daily budget that you may want to spend on such a job advertisement.

You can also set a maximum budget so that job advertisements will stop once you consume the total budget.

Learn here about billing for pay per click with LinkedIn help documents.

Advantages of Paid LinkedIn Job Posting

We already mentioned that premium job postings on LinkedIn reach 9 times more people than they could reach with organic postings.

However, there are certain hidden benefits that you may not be aware of.

One such benefit is, that the paid job listings on LinkedIn are also indexed by Google for job searches. After these jobs are indexed by Google, they can be discovered by candidates searching for jobs on Google.

Similarly, there are many job advertising sites that list sponsored jobs from LinkedIn on their own job sites. 

Eventually, you are benefitted as the job posting ads reach a wider audience; even to an audience that may not be on LinkedIn.

How Much Does It Cost to Post A Job On LinkedIn?

You can promote jobs on LinkedIn with a PPC campaign or by buying job slots from LinkedIn.

LinkedIn job posting costs can vary based on the job location, job type, time of the year, and your current engagement with LinkedIn.

If you set up a PPC campaign on LinkedIn, you will be charged based on the daily pay-per-click (PPC) budget. The maximum LinkedIn can charge you is 30% more than your budget.

For example, if you set $100 as your daily budget then you could be charged a maximum of $130 for the day.

With the PPC campaign, you pay only when candidates click on the job post.

Job slots can be bundled with recruiter login and hence the pricing could vary based on how many job slots you buy and if you buy recruiter logins as well.

You can also buy just the LinkedIn job slots. 

On average, a job post on LinkedIn could cost you $450 for 30 days.

CVViZ runs special discounts on partnered job boards. We offer up to 40% discounts for job postings.

Post Jobs To Multiple Job Sites Like LinkedIn

LinkedIn could arguably be the leading job board in many countries but every country, and every industry has its local job sites that are more effective and productive.

When you want to hire top talent, faster, you would want to post jobs to multiple job boards. However, posting to each job site could be very time-consuming.

Also, once you post jobs to multiple job posting sites, you will start receiving resumes from these job sites. You could receive resumes over emails or you may receive them on your respective accounts on these job sites. 

Well, you can do these tasks manually which is going to be time-consuming and laborious or you can use a modern Applicant Tracking System to post jobs to multiple job boards in one click and then receive all the resumes in one centralized location.

Modern ATS partners with several job boards using job board integration practices. Hence, it can post jobs to multiple job boards in one go.

There are several advantages of using an Applicant Tracking System. It helps you save hundreds of hours which could be put to better use like engaging top candidates.

Want to source top talent? Learn More About Job Posting


LinkedIn is both, a recruitment and a social media platform. If you want to reach top talent, faster then you cannot ignore LinkedIn. Use this article to learn how to post jobs on LinkedIn effectively and reach more candidates faster.

Picture of Amit Gawande

Amit Gawande

Amit Gawande is a Co-Founder of CVViZ, an AI recruiting software. He has more than 15 years of experience in software development and leading large teams. He has built products using NLP and machine learning. He has recruited engineers, programmers, marketing and sales people for his organizations. He believes in using technology for solving real-life problems.

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