Recruitment Statistics 2024 (Updated) : Recruiting Trends and Insights

Do you know if the hiring strategies of your organization are in line with the global recruiting trends? Are you really publishing your jobs where candidates are looking for? Do you know how candidates evaluate a company brand before they apply? Why do you think you are missing qualified candidates? If many questions like these play on your mind, then you must look at the recruitment statistics 2024.

So, why these recruiting stats are so important? In three simple words, “Data Never Lie!”. 

Recruiting statistics 2024 reveals some amazing recruitment trends that may force you to rethink your hiring strategies. Or it may help you build one!

Key Aspects of Recruitment Statistics

While we were researching and compiling recent trends in recruitment, we focused on following aspects of recruiting

Job Search Statistics

How job seekers find and evaluate their next job opportunities?

Social Media Recruiting Statistics

How social media playing role in candidate sourcing and employer branding?

Candidate Experience Statistics

Why a bad or good candidate experience plays a crucial role in candidate sourcing?

Company Culture Statistics

What all important aspects of a company culture that play on candidates’ minds before they consider a job?

Diversity and Inclusion Statistics

How companies are focusing on building a diverse workforce? Are companies with a diverse workforce have performed better?

Recruitment Challenges Statistics

Recruiters face a lot of challenges while hiring talent. We will focus on top challenges like candidate sourcing, lack of talent, etc.

Job Search Statistics 2024

If you are a talent acquisition professional then you must know how to attract the right talent. As a recruiter, you must know how to reach job seekers. You would want to know where the job seekers are searching for jobs so that when they are searching for jobs you can present them with the best opportunities.

Are job seekers using Google, job boards or company career pages to search for various job opportunities? Are they using mobile phones or desktops? Do they rely on social media to research companies? There are many such factors related to candidate sourcing that play a crucial role in attracting top talent.

Below are some key job search statistics that will reveal how job seekers go about searching for jobs.

Job Search Using Web Search

recruitment statistics 2019 google for jobs

Candidates are using mobile phones for searching and applying to jobs. However many companies still do not have an online job application process that is compatible with mobile devices.

recruitment statistics 2019 mobile phone for jobs

Mobile Is The Future

With the majority of candidates performing web searches to find job openings, SEO – search engine optimization for recruiting is an important priority for all employers.

Key Takeaway

Social Media Recruiting Statistics 2024

Who isn’t using social media today? Probably 80% of the workforce today is on one or the other social media platform.

According to LinkedIn, 70% of the workforce is passive talent. Meaning they may not be actively looking for a job but they are open to new job opportunities.

If we relate the above two stats together, social media naturally becomes the natural platform for employer branding and talent acquisition. 

Below are some social media recruiting statistics that will show how candidates are using social media and how it could help companies attract passive talent.

recruitment statistics 2019 social media
recruitment statistics 2019 employer branding

Key Takeaway

Candidate Experience Statistics 2024

Candidate experience is extremely critical throughout the hiring process.

You could literally lose a candidate forever because of the poor candidate experience. It also affects your employer brand negatively.

The candidate experience is a continuous effort.  A great candidate experience means clear communication, an easy and efficient job application process, and effective employer branding.

Below are some candidate experience statistics. It shows what causes a negative candidate experience and what are the implications of it.

“ From the candidate’s perspective, the most frustrating part of the candidate experience can be the lack of meaningful communication or feedback to their application or resume.”

recruitment statistics 2019 mobile desktop job application
recruitment statistics 2019 job application

Communication is the Key to Positive Candidate Experience

“ From the candidate’s perspective, the most frustrating part of the candidate experience can be the lack of meaningful communication or feedback to their application or resume.”

Key Takeaway

Company Culture Statistics 2024

Company culture not only decides if you can retain your existing employees but also decides how you influence potential candidates to join your organization.

Various social platforms, professional networks have made information easily available to everyone. For example, there are reviews about organizations on various platforms. Salary trends in your organization are also discussed in public forums. Such information certainly reflects on the culture of your organization. These aspects of a company culture play an important role in influencing candidates’ decision whether to apply or to join an organization.

We will look into a few key aspects of a company culture that are important for both, attracting new talent and retaining them. Also, we will look at what companies expect from their employees.

recruitment statistics 2019 company culture trends

Work Flexibility

recruitment statistics 2019 work flexibility

Soft Skills


" Transparency isn’t the goal. The goal is paying everyone fairly, and transparency forces us to do that."

Key Takeaway

Diversity and Inclusion Statistics 2024

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become an important aspect of hiring as it addresses equal opportunity for everyone. Also, it is observed that companies with a diverse workforce are performing better.  A lot of companies pay special attention to diversity and inclusion hiring strategies. Hence, we also wanted to give special attention to D&I numbers in our recruitment statistics 2024 report.

recruitment statistics 2019 diverse workforce

Key Takeaway

Recruitment Challenges Statistics 2024

Recruitment is a tough job. It has many attributes and many pieces that need to go right to hire the top talent. 

Here are some quick stats about various recruitment challenges.

Key Takeaway

Recruitment Trends 2024

We would review recruitment trends for 2024 in detail in a separate article. For now, let’s take a quick glance at the top recruitment trends 2024

Better Candidate Experience

Adoption of modern recruitment technology to improve candidate experience. With every year, more number of job seekers using the web and mobile devices for job search. It also means more number of candidates would be using online job process than traditional methods like sending resumes over email. Hence, companies also want to make sure their jobs get listed as part of the web search. And the job application process is efficient.

Similarly, companies want to use improve their communication with the latest solutions like chatbot.

Company Culture First

Recent research has found that culture at the company is directly linked to company performance, talent attraction, customer satisfaction, innovation, etc. Hence, companies are allocating budgets to focus on improving company culture.

AI in Recruitment

AI will continue to be the focus for this year too. As per Glassdoor, AI has made its entry into many organizations in 2019. Unlike the fear of people losing jobs to AI, it is found to be very helpful. Use of AI recruiting tools for resume screening, interview scheduling is helping hiring teams to simplify their work. As a result, companies will continue to experiment, run pilots and deploy various AI recruiting tools to hire top talent, faster.


It’s been more than a decade since we have witnessed a recession. It was last seen in 2008 where it hit most parts of the world. If we look at history, we go through recession periods every decade.

Before 2008, the recession that hit us was in 2000.

So, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that there could be a recession around and we should be prepared for it.

What Should Be Your Hiring Strategy For 2024?

If we look at the key takeaways from different recruitment statistics 2024, a few things are very clear. For example, More candidates are using mobile devices for searching and applying for jobs.

Employer branding is more important than ever. 

Poor candidate experience can cause you potential hire. 

More employers and job seekers value company culture and ethics.

And there are a few more. Looking at various recruitment trends if you want to devise a hiring strategy for 2024, here is a quick guideline.


Recruitment statistics 2024 and the recruiting trends from the last few years show how mobile devices have become so important. How social media can contribute to social hiring and employer branding. Job seekers are doing extensive research about the company before they consider a job. How bad company reviews can make it very difficult to hire new talent.

Poor candidate experience can cost you a potential candidate, forever.

Well, one of the important reasons we are seeing a continuous change in the recruiting trends is because of the fast-changing technology landscape.

AI is making its way strongly in the HR industry.

There is a new stream of Gen-Z candidates joining the workforce. They are almost always hooked to mobile devices. They also ask questions!

The way people search for a job is changing. Values are changing. People are embracing diversity.

We live in a world of subscriptions. People don’t want to own things. They want to experience new things. Gone are the days where people used to work in one organization for decades.

The gig economy is growing. A number of people who want to work as freelancers are growing.

Companies will need to find ways to gel in with ongoing transformation. They will have to embrace the new culture. They will have to leverage modern recruitment technologies to keep up with the new trends just to stay relevant4