Complete Recruitment Solution For Startups Ready To Grow
Hiring simplified to 3 easy steps
Send your jobs to 1700+ paid and free job boards in one click
Identify the right candidates much early in the hiring process
Conduct interviews and close positions efficiently
Free job listings on 20+ job portals and 1700+ premium job portals with a single click. Easily track and monitor all job listings and save time in recruitment
CVViZ is powered with an AI that will help you identify the most suitable candidates from all the job applicants. Engage relevant candidates sooner.
CVViZ helps find and source candidates from niche platforms like GitHub, Stackoverflow. It automatically discovers best candidates that might be sitting in your own talent pool.
Build simple, quick, engaging, intuitive, and mobile-optimized career pages that attract the most suitable candidates for your jobs with a user-friendly page builder
Organize & conduct video interviews seamlessly. Use live code editor for screening Developers. Record & schedule interviews with a simple click of a button.
Advanced recruitment analytics to get detailed insights into the complete hiring process. Be it sourcing, screening, interviews or offer management. Get insights into everything.
AI is used at different stages of recruitment. For example, in case of paid job posting, based on job description, geography and job industry, we recommend best candidate sourcing channel that could fetch you best candidates.
Similarly, AI is used for resume screening. Our NLP and machine learning powered algorithm screens resumes like a domain expert and helps you identify top candidates.
Also, when you are sending emails to candidates, we help you personalize those email automatically.
CVViZ continues to add intelligent features to its applicant tracking system to help our users hire top candidates, faster.
Our NLP and machine learning powered algorithm understands the resume contextually.
It then matches the resume with the job description.
We also consider your past hiring decisions to learn more about your hiring practices and impart that knowledge in the resume screening, matching and ranking process.
We keep training our algorithm so that it learns what kind of industry hires what kind of people for what kind of roles.
CVViZ is a modern recruiting software that uses artificial intelligence to help you hire faster.
Copyright CVViZ Softwares Pvt Ltd © 2020.